Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions? We have answers.

Find some of the most commonly asked questions about the X-Force Body program here.

Have a question about something we didn’t cover? Register for a FREE Discovery Session and learn everything you need to know about the X-Force Body program.

Q: What are the X-Force machines?

A: Revolutionary new resistance training machines featuring a unique computer-controlled tilting weight stack that makes exercise more efficient for better and faster results. Try it yourself!

Q: What is negative training?

A: “Negative” refers to the lowering or “eccentric” part of a lift. For example, in a bench press, the eccentric (negative) phase is when you lower the bar to your chest, while the positive phase is pressing the bar back to the straight-arms starting position. Because the negative part of a lift is easier than the positive, X-Force equipment has been designed with a unique tilting weight stack that automatically adds 40 percent more resistance to the negative phase. (Get a FREE workout and give it a try!) Increasing resistance on the negative forces muscles to achieve a deeper level of stress and exhaustion, which stimulates hormones to burn more fat and grow more muscle.

Q: How many workouts are in a program?

A: Each program is six weeks of two workouts per week.

Q: Why only two workouts per week?

A: X-Force workouts are intense. Negative accentuated strength training stresses muscle so deeply, it may take them 7 to 10 days to fully recover and be ready for your next workout. More rest is yet another secret to the remarkably fast results you get from the X-Force Body program.

Q: How do I sign up for the program?

A: Simply fill out the form below and we’ll help you get started!

Get All Of Your Questions Answered!

Attend one of our FREE, no-obligation discovery sessions and learn about everything — the program, the machines, and most importantly, the results.

At this engaging meetup with a X-Force Body coach, you’ll discover why X-Force Body is the best choice for your fitness journey!

    X-Force Body™